Analogous color

Artist Statement

So for this project we had to take a photo that incorporated 3 colors that were adjacent to each other on the color wheel. For example, red, red orange, and orange are all analogous. For this image I chose to take a photo of my mom because of the "social distancing" I took this in my backyard because the lighting was very good at this time of day. I created this image by having my mom wear my sweatshirt that was red, and also wear my bucket hat that I got when I was in the dominican republic which was a deep red-orange, and lastly I bought a fanta soda and had her take a sip of that to incorporate the regular orange. For this image I really tried to focus on color of course, but I also tried to effectively use space because on the sweatshirt there was a significant amount of blue that was on it and I tried not to photograph, and I also wanted a lot of the background with it as well to make sure that the background and foreground contrasted a lot.

For this image I used the techniques of selective color as well as the rule of thirds. The selective color you can see all around the image, and the rule of thirds on the bottom right corner where that paths meet. For this project I really didn't have an original idea because it so hard for me to represent a specific group of colors since I am colorblind so I asked for help and my mom came up with this idea and I photographed it and eventually edited this final image.

The story behind this image is that I was finishing up the first day of online learning and asked my mom for help with this project and she suggested this idea and I thought it was good and later that night right before sunset we took some photos. This relates to my life because these colors are my favorite and I really liked that I got to incorporate these colors, and It also relates to my life because I want to photograph different people and I finally got to take pictures of my mom and it was fun. If I were to edit anything in this image I would go back into photoshop and make the soda a lot lighter because in the image its not as dark as it was in person.

-Matthew Kempf