
Artist Statement

For this assignment I had the task of taking a picture that represented sanity. For my subject I took this photo of this surfer at a little beach in cape elizabeth. For this photo I edited it in photoshop turning down exposure and brightness just a little bit as well as using the spot healing brush to erase 3 other surfers in the water that were just in the way. For this photo I tried focusing on color, dealing with the waves, and space, trying to make sure that all the space around the surfer was relevant and not to boring.

The compositional techniques I used on this image was formal balance and sharp focus. I used formal balance by having the surfer dude sitting in the middle of the image riding the wave. I chose to do that so there would be 1 focus point and the rest around it was just for enjoyment. I used sharp focus on the image because I was using a 70-300 mm lens on my camera and was sitting a good bit aways and wanted to see how clear everything was from there and stuck to having everything in sharp focus. I didn't have an original idea for this assignment, I just went out and started taking photos.

The story behind this image is that many people are kind of lost on what they can and can do while at home. Many people take this time to be outdoors just like this surfer, and that's what i like to try and do some of the time. I didn't want to capture that through a self portrait but rather someone else doing something active that would represent something I would try and do. I chose this image because of that, he was having a really good time surfing and I was having a really good time being out there and taking pictures of him, and overall just having a good time being outside and out of the house. I really wouldn't change anything about this image I think I did a good job editing this photo and I really like the way the photo turned out.