Intro Image on Film

Artist statement

In our intro image into film, we learned all the processes on how to take photo, develop the negative, and make an enlarged print such as a photo you would hang on the wall. We first learned how to load the film into the camera by following the orange strip and close the door, and making sure that the negatives weren't exposed or will not be exposed. After we took our desired and required amount of photos, we took the canister of film and put it in a light proof bag and basically rolled the exposed film onto a spool to put a developer agent to make the taken photo an actually negative and then be ready to expose without it being compromised. After developing the actually film we made a contact sheet to see what the actual film photos look like on paper. After seeing that we were able to expose the photo paper, and make and actual image. This photo was shot at an aperture at f8 with 10 seconds of exposure. After we have expose the photo paper, we put it in the developer solution for 1 minute, then water for 5 seconds, then the "stop" solution for 10 seconds, more water, then the fix solution for 1-2 minutes and you have a fully developed photo after dried. I like this photo because of the balance between dark and light but i wish the negative didn't rip in the middle because it would've looked a lot better, but for my first film photo, i think i did well.