Photography 1

Digital Photography

Film Photography


My improvement-In the beginning of the semester I had really never picked up a camera and just gone out and took photos. In all honesty I only took this class because I needed the credit. The photos that I had taken looked dumb, pointless, and just not original. I loved looking at photos but never was able to take them. In the very first class I was excited because it's something i've never tried before. I was also a little nervous because i've never been forced to take photos, especially in a class where I got graded on them. As our first assignment came I was lost, i didn't have ideas and was just getting dirty and trying new things. Some photos I took weren't all that great, some I thought were extremely well taken but I was never consistent. By the end of the first couple of assignments in the digital portion of out class, I thought I did well. I was getting more consistent and cleaner shots as well as using different techniques regularly. Now when I go out and see a particular shot that might look cool, I grab my phone and I capture it. It's amazing to see my growth as a young photographer, even with film. Although I will probably never choose film over digital photography, I thought that It was a cool new way to look at things. From the process of developing a photo, to just even taking photos with film, it was a new talent that I can say I have. Overall, I think I just naturally grew as a photographer with my consistency in shots, what I like to take photos of, and the overall knowledge of film and digital photography that I didn't have before.

Most Challenging-I think the most difficult thing that I've done this year would have to be film. The overall process of film was difficult itself, but the most challenging part of the unit was trying to get the expose film (with pictures on it) in the canister, onto a metal spool, into a different canister, to then develop it with a certain solution. And while doing all of this, I couldn't see my hands, and I was also restricted by a rough, and gritty bag that was uncomfortable and tiny. But with practice it became easier but still the hardest thing I had to do as a photographer.

Most proud of-I think I am the most proud of one of my digital photos. Although the photos might not be the most humble, or the thing that I am most proud of mentally, but physically I am proud of this particular image. It is an image I took while fishing with my cousin. It is the perfect combination of angle down and selective focus that it just came out perfect. I used it in the digital compositions assignment and I think It is the best photo that I have taken as a photographer. I also think It really captures me as a person 1.) because it's showing something you love 2.) It shows patience and determination because fishing isn't quick and easy like some might think 3.) it show that I have my mind set on something, selective focus being on the fish, I spent the entire day waiting for the perfect catch and it eventually came and with that image came a picture to capture that moment. I really do think that it was beginners luck when taking that photo because I thought it was truly amazing!

Strengths and weaknesses- I think the biggest strength I have as a photographers, is taking, unique, consistent photos that I like to take. During the portrait photos on film, I loved it, I love taking portrait photos because they are aesthetically pleasing and they are fun to play around with and try something new with. I also think that working fast and consistent helps me to. When I am given something to do, I will generally want it done and over as quick as possible so I have time for more, which brings me to my weakness. I don't listen very well and don't comprehend well when taught in a group that might be a little slower than I would like. I like to experience stuff on my own and work at a faster pace because it keeps my attention for longer periods time. I would like to be able to work on my attention in a larger group setting and be able to understand whats happening, but my mind moves all over the place and can never think, or understand what to do.

-Matthew Kempf