Thoughtful portrait

Artist Statement

So for this project we had the task of taking a very thoughtful portrait photo. For my subject I used My friend liam. I took this photo in the lightroom at school before lockdown. For this mage I edited by turning down the exposure as well as the brightness. I took this photo on my phone in the portrait mode as well as some soft lights on the right side of his face. I chose to take this image because I think it a very mysterious photo that provoked emotion because of his blank face.

I used the compositional techniques of selective focus as well as low key lighting. As you can see most of the image is blurred because of the body image being the focal point and the light being mostly dark. My project was really up in the air because with the social distancing thing, it's a lot hard to take a portrait if most of the people I have access to, doesn't want their picture taken and it's hard to meet up with people so I remembered that I took this image and chose to edit and use this image.

This story behind this image is just to get dirty with my editing in low light because when I first took this image I was just figuring out lightroom and photoshop so I wanted to see how everything was like and do something different. This project relates to my life because liam is a very very good friend of mine and taking photos of someone I know very well is so much easier. The only thing I would change about this image is how much of his face was actually visible.

-Matthew Kempf