Geometric Shadows

Artist Statement

For this project we were supposed to take photos of shadows. I decided to do it with my golf putter and a golf ball. The subject being both of these or overall the sport of golf. I took this in front on my living room window to capture that shadow effect. I just used natural light with my putter and a golf ball to make this image. I chose this specific image because the golf ball is good to photograph and gave a good shadow. I also chose my putter because it goes with the golf ball. I used a little bit of silhouette lighting as well as soft focus to compose this image just because I thought it would look best while using these techniques as well as fill the assignment.

The composition Rules I used were silhouette lighting as well as soft focus. I used the silhouette lighting in making the shadows off the golf ball and putter. I used soft focus on most of the image just to make it a little harder to see the background and make it a little more mysterious. My project really didn't have a specific vision since I was sick so I looked at the website and saw we needed a shadowed photo and immediately thought of golf ball and putter and it was the perfect time of day where the shadow would be perfect in my living room and just took a couple photos and used this one.

The meaning behind this image is that the shadow represents the time golf season lasts (which is short-ish?) and the when the sun goes down there is no shadow anymore, which is very very depressing because golf is amazing and you should try it. Golf is a big part of my life and when golf season is over is a regeneration time to get better and work on the offseason so that next year I can perfect my game even more. The biggest thing that bothers me is that in the background there are 2 little distractions to the left and right and every time I tried to fix it in photoshop it didn't look good or close to natural.

-Matthew Kempf