
Artist Statement

For this assignment we were tasked with taking a photo that involved food. For my image, I chose my subject to be my friend Ethan because he loves food. I took this in Mr.Ogilby's room because the light was great and he is my advisor. This image was made by me asking Ethan to sit down in a chair near the window because that's where the nicest light in the room was. I also took the class starburst basket and dumped a little bit out onto the table to having the extra candy on the table. I used my phone to take the picture and edited it in photoshop. I chose to create this specific image because it involved candy, as well as nice lighting, a diverse range in color, and gave the image a unique pattern with the different colored starbursts all in a group/line.

In this image I focused on using the techniques of angle up as well as selective focus. I really like how the selective focus portraits come out so I usually stick with choosing that as a focus. I also chose to use the angle up technique because it had the best natural light coming through the window. My project first started out as me thinking that I would take one of my friends out to eat and take a picture of both meals as well as a smiling face because food is amazing. I also thought about taking a photo of a food sculpture/painting but I wanted to follow my inquiry question. I finally decided to take an in school photo of friend with colorful candy.

The story behind the image is that I needed a photo to take, I thought the lighting was great in Mr.Ogilby's room, and everyone was eating starbursts and found the perfect opportunity to take a good photo. The meaning behind the image is that candy makes anyone's mood better and make school that much more enjoyable. This project relates to my life because I've always had a sweet tooth and so have my friends, so I thought capturing a photo of someone else eating something sweet would represent that. The only thing that I would change is the amount of starbursts that I set on the desk because a bigger stack of starbursts would bring out more emotion.