
Artist Statement

For this assignment we had the task of taking of a photo that represented friendships. For this image I chose the subject to be an arrow. I know it's not a picture of one of my friends or something relating to my friends directly, but i'll explain. I took this photo because I thought it had some good underlying meaning. To edit this photo I used lightroom to darken the edges to make them look a little more crisp, and blurred the colors up top to make them flow a little better. I tried to focus on the colors a lot as well as making a soft texture between all of it.

For the compositional techniques I used leading lines and low key lighting. The lighting is naturally dark and the leading lines comes from the arrow and the sign together. My original Idea for this project was to take a portrait photo of one of my friends. But then I thought, well I have more than one friend and choosing to pick one of them would be mean and almost impossible. So I decided to take a photo that had a good underlying meaning to it.

The story behind this image/what the underlying meaning means to me is that the arrow represents what is to come, maybe summer, or hanging out soon, or even just building new relationships or strengthening old ones when this is all over. I just think that the arrow points to a brighter future, like this summer whens me and all my friends are jamming out a beach or a going for a drive to some abandoned cave or building or just enjoying life before our final year together i school. I think that arrow generates a lot of mixed emotions, and I think it represents friendship perfectly. I love the way this image came out and definitely wouldn't change it.

-Matthew Kempf