Selective color

Artist Statement

In this project, we were tasked to create a portrait first with color, and then use photoshop to take a select few colors, and makes those the ones that stand out and have the rest of the image black and white. For most of my subjects I use liam but in 2 others I used a girl and a dog. We had to take a portrait of someone that could be very colorful or just at least colorful enough for the image to not be so bland and basic. I used a lot of close up images that had a lot of meaning to me as well as used as much space and emphasized everything in that space to make everything pop. My best image i think i the first one just because I like how the color pops and how it really stands out with everything around it. This image occurred and was taken when me and my Girlfriend were hiking and saw a glimpse of sun hit her face when stopping for water, I just thought it was a great photo because of how vibrant her eyes are and how they just pop. The only thing that bothers me is that my photoshop skills aren't the best and i could really improve on making cleaner edits and taking more time.









