
Artist Statement

For this project we had to take multiple photos from the same angles and put them all together. This is called "multiplicity." We had to take one multiplicity collage of ourselves and one of someone else. We used photoshop to make the different layers and create this "Multiplicity" photo. So for the one of me, I knew the stairs was good potential because it automatically gave me some great ideas and produce some great pictures for the multiplicity aspect. For the one of someone else, i saw the swings and knew that this would be an amazing idea because there are some many different angles and positions that a swing can be in making it a more interesting photo. I took the photos on the stairs because it gave a "Climbing" aspect because there are different levels as well as the aspect of repetition and grouping gave it a more interesting appeal at first glance. That place also gave really good lighting so that is also why i took photos there. I took photos at the swings because I knew that it had potential and that it would create a good vision as well as one person, in many different positions along the swings.

My favorite photo would have to be the one of the swings just because it's more subtle and I hate pictures of myself. i really wished that I used more space by using all of the swings and creating more characters in the photo. I also wish that I spent more time experimenting and playing with photoshop to make the photo more clean and well pronounced.





Final Product




Final Product