Complimentary colors

Artist Statement

For this assignment we had the task of taking a photo that included "Complimentary colors". Which are colors that are opposites on the color wheel. For this image My subject were focused on the pin/pole in the middle of the image as well as Tj at the top of the image. The pole was originally yellow but I changed it in photoshop to become yellow, and Tj is wearing a blue shirt, and a blue hat. I took this photo on the golf course in brunswick. This image was made by me asking Tj if he could reach for his ball as he would for a normal shot but I made him wait. I used the pole as a little bit of tension as well as the other aspect of the complimentary color. I chose to create this specific image because it was the first day on the golf course and I was super excited and wanted to take photos. I tried to focus on getting the right light so the color would pop and show up very well when editing the image, I also tried to focus on space because I could've gotten closer to Tj with just the pin in my hand but I wouldn't have included the hole or the rest of the green and some of the background which I think add to the image.

I tried focusing in make the image as sharp as I could which is where sharp focus came in. I purposely tried to make it sharp because I liked the trees in the background to be seen and if it were selective I would've been harder to tell what color Tj was wearing. I also used the Rule of thirds technique with the pin being on one sector and Tj being on the top line. My project didn't really have an original idea. My first idea was to take a photo of someone's eyes, almost like a macro type photo, and take one blue eye, and change the other to be orange and do it that way but I happened to be on the golf course and think of an idea like this.

This project really just started with me asking if I could take a photo of Tj unexpectedly because i've always liked the way golf photography turned out and I wanted to replicate that. This also relates to my personal life because golf is such a big part in my life. I always live golfing in my free time and being outdoors and for it being the first day of a course being open, I took advantage of the good feelings brought from that and decided to take photos. The only thing I would really change about this image is to go into photoshop and take out the golf bags to make sure the focus is entirely focused on Tj and the Pin.

-Matthew Kempf