
Artist Statement

For this assignment I had the task of taking a photo that involved the future. I chose this image of a house with a banner on the side of it saying the following. To edit this photo i turned up the brightness and turned down the contrast. On this image I really tried focusing on the most textural aspects of the image as well as centering the space around the banner.

For the compositional techniques I used formal balance and sharp focus. For the formal balance I centered the image enough so that the banner would be exactly in the middle to make it formally balanced. For the sharp focus I made the image super clear and responsive so the viewer could see everything clearly and have no problems viewing anything. For this project I had no idea what I was going to take a photo of and i eventually just stumbled upon this image and went with it.

The story behind this image is that I was on a drive one day because I needed to get out of the house and I found this. I took a few images of it and I was happy. Sometimes the best images are the ones that are unplanned. The only thing I would change about this image is to take out the tree to the left because I think it's a little bit of a distraction.

-Matthew Kempf