Still Life

Artist Statement

For this assignment we had the task of creating a still life through an image. For my image I took a picture of my morning cup of coffee as well as 5 spoons filled with a tablespoon of sugar. My subject was focused on the cup of coffee and I took this image on a piece of posterboard that I had used for a different class and used it as a white background. The materials I used for this project were tha cup of coffee as well as some kitchen spoons and a little bit of sugar. I chose to create this specific image because the white background contrasted with the cup color as well as provided a soft white background when I had a grainy sugary element in it as well.

For my compositional techniques I used angle down as well as low key lighting. I chose the angel down technique because to get only white as the background I couldn't have any angles on mt camera angle or it would show what was around the poster board. I used the low key lighting technique by turning down the exposure coming into my camera when taking this photo to make it look like early morning when I took this. I didn't really have any specific ideas for this project because I really didn't know what a "Still life" meant until I researched a little bit and thought I could take a photo of my coffee and I did.What I did think of later was adding the spoons because just one focal point would've been boring. I did eventually think of sugar because many people put sugar in there coffee but I don't so i thought it would've been cool if I put the sugar on the outside because I don't use it.

The story behind this image was I was finished with my work on my "White day" so I decided to take photos for this project and I was drinking coffee at the time so I decided to take it with my coffee. This relates to my life because I love coffee. I recently bought my own coffee maker/attachment to our coffee maker to make mine own coffee because I was spending to much on coffee from a fast food place that sells coffee so I thought it was smart to buy my own. The only thing I would change about this image would be t have a spoon closer to the actual cup and trying to jump into the cup.

-Matthew Kempf