Creative landscape

Artist Statement

For this image I had the task to take a photo of an interesting landscape. I took this image at the freeport town wharf the other day when it was slightly rainy. i took this on my phone and other than that everything else in the image was already there. After I took this image I put it in lightroom decreasing exposure and brightness but turning up contrast and highlights as well as the tint to make it a little more blue. I chose to create this image because it was cool. i love the ocean and an ocean landscape was what I wanted to do for this image. I took up a lot of space in the image as well as added a lot of texture with all the docks and boats in the image.

For this image I used the techniques of low key lighting and sharp focus to compose my image. I took this image around dusk and wanted it to be a little bit darker than it already was so I decided to do just that to make it more low key which is where that comes in. I also used sharp focus all around the image to compose it to show off every detail that was in the image. My project didn't change whatsoever because I knew I wanted to do something with the ocean and I live very close to this wharf and i knew I wanted to take a picture of that because I know it would look good.

The meaning behind this image really doesn't have a deep underlying meaning other than the ocean is so cool. It's so mysterious and enjoyable and you can never hate a picture of the ocean and I thought capturing that would be cool as well. This relates to my life because who doesn't love the ocean and I love the ocean just as much as anyone else and capturing it was the highlight of my quarantine. If I were to change anything about this image is to take the picture more on a sunny day so I can capture a little bit of the sun.

-Matthew Kempf