Learning Environment

For this assignment we had the task to capture an image that represents our learning environment. I chose to take a photo of my dog wiley. For this image I left it unedited because I felt it looked really good the way it was taken and presented itself with no edits whatsoever. For this image though I did try and focus on framing him as well as I could, leave any unused space out of the image as well as how bright everything was and how he was looking.

For the compositional techniques I used formal balance and selective focus. I used formal balance by making my dog as even as possible, again leaving out any unused space and contrast around the outside of the image. For selective focus I mainly focused on wiley himself and not the background to make clear that I was only trying to focus on him and nothing else. My original idea for this project was almost a repeat of the "School" project but I didn't like the way that would've looked and how I would've basically copied that so I decided to focus on a new idea that was different and got me up and to think about how I was gonna take this image.

The story behind this image is when I was getting ready to go play basketball for a little bit I saw him lying on the couch like that I wanted to take a picture of him because I knew I could use him as an example for a specific project. When I came back out into the living room he finally looked at me and I got a few nice images and this is the one I decided to go with and use for this project. This relates to my life because this is what I wake up to everyday and he is my new office mate and I have to deal with him. :) I wouldn't change anything about this image I think it came out very well and is very enjoyable.

-Matthew Kempf