Systems Engineering Analysis

CDOT project staff will be notified when the SEA process referenced on this page will be required.

What is Systems Engineering Analysis (SEA)?

A project delivery process focused on technology and required per 23 CFR 940.  It is also documented and required by the CDOT Project Delivery Manual (PDM) - Section 4.13.  A formal announcement of the update to the PDM was in Design Bulletin (DB) 2021-3.  It will guide the Project Manager (PM) through the technology portion of design to ensure the technology is properly and consistently designed from conceptualization to the retirement of the device or system.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered "technology"?

The National Regulation (23 CFR 940) defines ITS as “electronics, communications, or information processing used singly or in combination to improve the efficiency or safety of a surface transportation system.” An ITS project is “any project that in whole or in part funds the acquisition of technologies or systems of technologies that provide or significantly contribute to the provision of one or more ITS user services as defined in the National ITS Architecture.”

Technology includes any type of device or system that is used to improve the roadways, this could include, but is not limited to, intelligent transportation systems devices. Examples are CCTV (closed circuit televisions), DMS (dynamic message sign), VTMS (variable toll message sign), VSL (variable speed limit sign), wrong way detection, RWIS, connected vehicles, signals, on board equipment in vehicles, fiber install, device/fiber relocations, and anything that has to be communicated to ATMS. If there is still confusion on what is classified as technology, please reach out to the ITS & Network Services Branch.

Another way to verify if a scope falls within the technology classification is to check the National ITS Architecture Plan. If a project falls within a service packages description, then it is considered a technology. Check out the CDOT Architecture Plan Webpage for more information. 

Why follow the SEA Process?

The SEA is federally required per 23 CFR 940 and federal dollars are tied to completing the SEA. 

Who is responsible for the SEA?

The Project Manager is responsible for completing all of the required SEA documentation. The ITS & Network Services Branch is responsible for supporting the PM in preparing the required SEA documents. The more the ITS & Network Service Branch is involved in the preparation of the required SEA documents, it is more likely that review will be more timely and result in less comments. The ITS & Network Services Branch will conduct the review and approval of each required SEA document. 

When is the SEA prepared?

The SEA is a project delivery process structured with multiple documents that slowly dive into more detail throughout the entire design phase. The preparation and submittal of these required SEA documents span from pre-scoping (or earlier if possible) to AD. The SEA must be completed for projects with a technology element in order for federal dollars to be released and the project to go to AD. The entire SEA process must be complete in order to complete the Form 1180. If a project does not have a technology element, then only the Technology/SEA Assessment needs to be completed in order to formally document there is no technology elements in the scope. 

How is the SEA completed?

The SEA will be housed in OnTrack starting in the fall of 2022 and it is preferred that all document submissions occur in OnTrack. Since CDOT is currently in a transition to OnTrack, if a PM is not using OnTrack document submission can be emailed to Reference the SEA Document Submission page for more details. 


Contact Emma Boff, Intelligent Transportation Systems & Network Services Support, at