OnBase - Enduring Long-Term Value Email Storage & DONOTDELETE FILTER

How to instructions and information for CDOT employees

In accordance with CDOT Procedural Directive (PD) 30.1, Email Management and Retention, effective Dec. 5, 2023, the state of Colorado Gmail system will house emails for two years plus one day.  Should a CDOT employee wish to retain an email that has enduring business value beyond a specific email's expiration date, the employee may forward the email to OnBase for storage. 

This page is your one-stop shop for how-to instructions to send Enduring Long-Term Value (ELTV) emails to OnBase for long-term storage, in accordance with CDOT Procedural Directive 30.1, Email Management and Retention.

This page includes:

Lunch & Learns and Office Hours

Email Management and Retention Lunch and Learn

Do you want to start moving your enduring long-term value emails to OnBase to comply with new Procedural Directive 30.1 Email Management and Retention, but you don’t know where to start? The Records Management and OnBase teams will help you! 

Here are three ways to get help:

Email Retention Lunch and Learn

Email Management Office Hours

OnBase Office Hours

Frequently Asked Questions

This document answers common questions about the PD and process to forward ELTV email to OnBase and retrieve it in OnBase.

OnBase ELTV Email FAQs.docx

Email Address Reference

Divisions and Regions have email addresses established for OnBase storage. Reference this list for which email address you should use.

Proposed Emails for Migrating Business Emails to OnBase

How to Instructions - OnBase ELTV Email storage

There are multiple ways you can forward ELTV Emails to OnBase. You can either forward individual emails or multiple emails at one time. Here are four videos that show you multiple ways.

IMPORTANT: For ALL instructions below, please refer to the "Email Address Reference" above, for which email address you should use for this process.

Use Google Chrome Extension to Forward Emails to OnBase

Install and Use 'Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ' Extension

Manually Forwarding Emails to OnBase (Multiple Options)

Forward Single ELTV Email to OnBase & Retrieve in OnBase

Forward Single ELTV Email to OnBase Using Print Integration or Multiple ELTV Emails as Attachment & Retrieve in OnBase

Forward Multiple ELTV Emails to OnBase & Retrieve in OnBase

Forward Multiple ELTV Emails to OnBase Using Multi-Email Capability & Retrieve in OnBase

How to Instructions - Gmail DONOTDELETE Filter

Apply the DONOTDELETE label to emails you want to retain once the retention policy is activated. Using this label now will help you to be prepared when the policy takes effect on Oct. 1, 2024. Please note that the DONOTDELETE label only applies to the life of your email account. To retain emails that are important to CDOT and that you wish to retain past your time at CDOT, you must use the OnBase ELTV instructions.

DONOTDELETE Label and Email Retention Guide

DONOTDELETE Label and Email Retention

Using the DONOTDELETE Label in Gmail


Should you need help with the above training materials, please contact CDOT_OnBase_Help@state.co.us.