Improve Your Process

Process Improvement Toolkit

The Process Improvement Toolkit is a Google Drive folder available to all CDOT employees. You access it simply by logging into your state Gmail.

This toolkit gives you a selection of tools and templates you can use to improve your processes, reduce waste, increase effectiveness and efficiency, and make your day-to-day job better every day. Explore to find out what works best for you!

Note that all content in the toolkit folder is set to "view only" mode. To use a template or tool, you'll need to first save a copy of it to your own Google Drive. From there, you can tailor the tool to meet your needs as much as you'd like.

Here's how you can save a copy to your "My Drive" you can use and edit:

  1. Access the Process Improvement Toolkit.

  2. Right-click a file then choose Make a Copy. The copy is saved in your My Drive.

  3. Click your My Drive in the left-hand menu. The file will be named "Copy of [filename]".

  4. In your My Drive, you can rename the file, organize it however you'd like, and edit it.

Lean Learning: Gemba Academy Videos

Gemba Academy gives you a crash course in all things process improvement. If you're prompted to login to view a video, use the following credentials:

  • Login: cdotlean

  • Password: CI4Cdot!

More video content can be found on our School of Lean site.

Need More Process Improvement?

Check out the Process Improvement Self-service Center for additional tools and guides, resources, books, videos, and tutorials, and explore idea cards to see if anyone had a clever solution to your problem.

Improved Your Process?

Share your innovations and improvements with CDOT through the Lean Everyday Ideas site!