How to Modify Addresses in the SAP Portal

CDOT employees use the "Change Addresses" tile in the SAP Portal to change their address. This page provides details and instructions.

Modifying Address - Things to Remember

Here are things to remember when updating or changing your address:

Things to Avoid

How-To Instructions

Update or Change Your Permanent Residence or Emergency Address/Contact in SAP

Instructions to update or change these in the SAP Portal.

How to Update or Change Your Permanent Residence or Emergency Address/Contact in SAP (Employees)

Add a Mailing Address in SAP

Instructions to add a Mailing Address in the SAP Portal. 

NOTE: If your Permanent Residence is the same as your Mailing Address, you don't need to add a Mailing Address. Mail will be delivered to your Primary Residence unless you designate a separate Mailing Address.
How to Add or Delete a Mailing Address in the SAP Portal

Reset or Customize the SAP Portal Home Page

Instructions to update or change these in the SAP Portal.

How to Change Your Address in the SAP Portal