OnBase: Operational Level of Service (OLOS) Training
This page is your one-stop shop for training and instructions on how to use the Operational Level of Service (OLOS) Web Tool Dashboard for CDOT projects:
How to Access
Training Guides
How to Access the OLOS Web Tool Dashboard
The OLOS Web Tool Dashboard does not require login credentials to access. The Web Tool is comprised of six use cases, including the following:
Use Case 1: Congestion Types (Recurring, Non-Recurring, Historical Trend)
Use Case 2: OLOS Comparison and Query
Use Case 3: Lane Closure Analysis (LCA)
Use Case 4: Work Zone Performance Analysis
Use Case 5: Congestion Head
Use Case 6: System Reliability
Coming Soon: Training Guides
Several guides are coming soon:
Use Case 1: Congestion Types (Recurring, Non-Recurring, Historical Trend)
Use Case 2: OLOS Comparison and Query
Use Case 3: Lane Closure Analysis (LCA)
Use Case 4: Work Zone Performance Analysis
Use Case 5: Congestion Head
Use Case 6: System Reliability