Environmental Training

CDOT's Environmental Programs Branch sponsors training for engineers and external partners. Classes are scheduled 3-4 months in advance and on an as-needed basis, so be sure to check the registration details for any course that you are interested in taking.

Chief Engineer Memo

To improve awareness of CDOT's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) programs, requirements, and related water quality permits, on Nov. 1, 2021, Chief Engineer Steve Harelson issued an official memo on Water Quality and Related Environmental training. This memo announces training available to CDOT employees and external consultants who influence or impact water quality during CDOT work. The updated memo replaces the Chief Engineer’s Memo, Water Quality Training, dated June 1, 2012.

Available Training

Water Quality Training
These courses bring awareness, increase knowledge, and strengthen skills related to compliance issues facing CDOT, as required by the MS4 Permit and in alignment with CDOT’s Environmental Stewardship Guide.

Environmental Related Training
Several environmental training classes are offered to increase understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other planning and environmental processes and requirements.

Need More Information?

The course description spreadsheets below have more information about each course sponsored by CDOT's Environmental Programs Branch. Be sure to check the "How to Register?" column for enrollment details. The H20 Learning Portal and the SOC Learns Training Portal referenced in the spreadsheets can be accessed using the link below.

Course Descriptions

Water Quality Training

Water Quality Training - Courses

Environmental Related Training

Environmental Related Training - Courses

Seating Availability

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.  Additional offerings may be provided based on demand and resource availability.


These educational courses are intended as guidance regarding the design, construction, and management of transportation projects and do not constitute official rules or regulations of CDOT.


Contact jean.cordova@state.co.us or pamela.cornelisse@state.co.us with questions.