OnBase - General Help

This page includes general instructions for using OnBase.

Additional Help

For help beyond the information you find on this page, contact the OIT Service Desk.


OnBase (Unity) DeskTop App

Confirm If OnBase (Unity) Desktop App Is Installed

Here's how to see OnBase (Unity) is installed on your CDOT computer.

How to Confirm If You Have the OnBase Unity Desktop App (End Users)

Download & Install OnBase (Unity) Desktop App

If you don't have OnBase (Unity) installed, here's how to do so.

How to Download OnBase Desktop Client (End Users)

Log Into OnBase (Unity) Desktop App

Here's how to log into the OnBase (Unity) Desktop App.

How to Log Into OnBase Unity Desktop App (End Users)

Set up PingID for OnBase Desktop App

Here's how to set up PingID for OnBase.

PingID + OnBase User Guide

Log Out of OnBase (Unity) Desktop App

Here's how to log out when you are done using OnBase (Unity).

How to Log Out of OnBase Unity Desktop App (End Users)

OnBase Web Client

Log Into OnBase Web Client

Here's how to log into the OnBase Web client.

How to Log Into OnBase Web Client (End Users)


Download & Log Into OnBase Mobile Client

Here's how to log into the OnBase mobile client.

How to Download and Log Into Hyland Mobile App for iPhone and Android (End Users)

OnBase Account Deactivation

How to Get Your OnBase Account Reactivated

If you don't log into your OnBase account at least every 90 days, it will be deactivated. Here's how to get your account reactivated.

How to Get Your OnBase Account Reactivated (End Users)

OnBase FAQs

Here are answers to basic questions. For more, go to the main OnBase page on Learning Lane.

How do I access CDOT invoice processing in OnBase? How do I request a login for this function?

We are currently in pilot with OnBase for invoice processing. Please email Gregg Miller at gregg.miller@state.co.us to request an OnBase login for invoice processing.

How can I access CDOT PDQs in OnBase?

You must access CDOT PDQs using the OnBase Unity Client on your desktop. You cannot access PDQs using the OnBase Web Client.

How can I access CDOT contracts in OnBase?

You can access CDOT contracts in the OnBase Unity Client on your desktop or in the OnBase Web Client.

For the OnBase Web Client, which browsers can I use?

You can use Google Chrome.