SOC Learns LMS help for Training coordinators & Liaisons

Help & Instructions for Training Coordinators and Training Liaisons

Here's help for Training Coordinators and Training Liaisons using the SOC Learns Training Portal.

Training Coordinators & training liaisons

Access the System

Access SOC Learns Portal as a Training Coordinator or Training Liaison

How to Access Cornerstone with Single Sign On

View ILT Sessions

View an ILT Session

How to View Scheduled Sessions (TC or TL)

Manage Rosters & Attendance

View/Download/Print ILT Session Roster

How to View, Download or Print an ILT Session Roster (TC or TL)

Submit Attendance & Scoring for ILT Session

How to Record Learning & Close a Session (TC or TL)

View Waitlists

View Waitlist for ILT Session

How to View Waitlists (Admin)

Manage Users

View User Record

How to Proxy a User Account (Admin)

View User Transcript

How to View User Transcript (Admin)

Assign Training

Assign Training

How to Assign Training to an Employee (Manager)


End User Training Progress & Transcript Status Reports

Training Progress Pie Chart

Shows percentage of users with certain statuses for an LO.

Training Progress Summary Pie Chart Report (Admin, Accounting)

Training Hours Report

Training hours user(s) have completed, in summary or in detail. 

Training Hours Report (Admin, System Admin)

Divisional (CDOT) Training Report

Training statuses for the Division (i.e., CDOT), group or other criteria.

Divisional Training Report (Admin, System Admin)

Incomplete Divisional (CDOT) Training

Incomplete training that is 30, 60 or 90 days overdue.

Incomplete Divisional Training Report (Admin, System Admin)

End User Online Training Reports

Online Course Attempts Report

Online courses that user(s) have attempted but not yet completed.

Online Course Attempts Report (Admin, System Admin)

Online Training Status Report

Status and progress info for online training, including time spent in a class.

Online Training Status Report (Admin, System Admin)

SCORM 2004 Course Progress Chart

Online course progress, module progress, and assessments for SCORM 2004 only.

SCORM 2004 Course Progress Chart Report (Admin, System Admin)

Curricula Reports

Curriculum Report

Detailed transcript info for Curricula.

Curriculum Report (Admin, System Admin)

Curriculum Details Report

Statuses for all Curricula, including overall and LO statuses with user email addresses.

Curriculum Details Report (Admin, Accounting)

Opening Reports in Excel

When you choose to open reports in Excel, you may receive a warning (see below). If you receive this warning, you can click Yes and proceed.

Microsoft Excel corrupted file warning

Training Coordinators only

Create ILT Sessions

Create an ILT Session

How to Create an ILT Session

Copy an ILT Session

How to Copy an ILT Session

Manage Registrations & Waitlists

Add a User to an ILT Session

How to Add a User to an ILT Session (Admin)

View/Manage ILT Waitlists

How to View/Manage Waitlists (Admin)

Withdraw a User from an ILT

How to Withdraw from an Instructor Led Session (Employee)

Using Withdraw Reasons

Withdraw Reasons - Reference (Admin)

Manage Evaluations

Associate Evaluation to ILT Event

How to Associate a Course Evaluation to a Course (Sys Admin, Admin)

View Session Evaluation Results

How to View Session Evaluation Results (TC, TL, Admin)

Add Instructors, Training Locations or Subjects

These functions require a Super Admin's assistance:

need additional help?

Access Online Help

How to Access Online Help
