
The file RealityCheck102.pdf shown below has the (current) results of the survey.  I've also copied the general comments in the space below.

Please add any additional comments that you feel would be helpful.  This is an optional question.

"I feek like we need to cover the basics of the scanner class

"I think the class is going at a good speed. Maybe you should do a few examples of complicated code in class and compile them in class rather than displaying written code on the screen.


the labs that we are doing are not doable in the time limit given for the level of the class. i dont think i have finished one lab on time yet, and when i ask around i am not alone in this opinion. Especially lab 3.

The course I took was a C++ course

I do not feel that I learned anything at all about the Java language specifically in CS 101. We spent most of the time learning about various forms of digital media (image files, sound files, etc.) and how to manipulate those with Java, but not the actual language itself. I am not comfortable with the Java language to a level that is necessary to write a program like Decrypt. As I said all we seemed to do was learn about digital media and how to use Java for elementary changes in the media. Also, we used a "BookClasses" library which was a terrible idea because I learned how to program using that library, which is very different from the original Java language. I feel that if we learned the actual Java language from day one than I wouldn't be in the situation that I am in now (lacking the confidence and knowledge to program well).

Having trouble understanding the assignment project.  Once in class as we go over the material and the project is explained, then I begin to understand and reverse engineer your examples that we have to model off.  When I did speak to some students about the project, most just said they have not seen this type of logic in code, so it's a little intimidating when they see the requested  output of the program they need to create.

We did not go over switch-case statements in CS 101, however I don't think it is a hard concept. What is most difficult for me is understanding what output you get when you start nesting loops. The concept of what happens during that is still confusing to me. Also the mod operator is a little confusing especially when you are using it other than straight numerical division. (How to apply it to variables)

I had an issue in Lab 3 because it was the first time I saw the "Row" and "Column" commands.

techniques as to how to approach a program, such as program 2, when to use loops, a loop inside another loop, scanner class

I feel you cover material very well in class however I have found that the best way to learn programming is to program.  I realize these are what the labs are for but I think a fair amount of students are lost and stuck waiting for the TA to walk around and help.  In cs109 (C++) the TA would work on a projector and we would follow along on our computers.  I feel this helped more than being given an assignment which is usually difficult to complete in the required time.

It's all about knowing when it's time to get help and just accepting that notion, and I think that's the most important factor in learning and especially in programming, that's what I learned most as I am retaking this course because I just didn't get the help when I truly needed it, thought I could figure it out by myself or just ended up putting everything off to the last minute. The grade above is not correct because I took the test to test out of CS 101 so I just got credit for it, but that wasn't an option so I gave myself an A, which I hope with hard work I will get to replace my other grade. 

"I am a graduate student and I am auditing the course. I however didn't take CS 101 at UIC. However for questionnaire completion purposes I have put the grade against the CS 101 question.

I feel that if we had some short descriptions or explanations of other classes which we use (for eg: Random number etc) along with its purpose it would help understand concepts more better when one does a self study.


I believe that the labs are a little too difficult to complete within 50 minutes.

I feel like everything we are doing in class makes sense but the lab's that we do could be clearer and I feel like in the amount of time we are given they are kind of hard, even they are not hard lab's in general. Also if we did more examples of code in class using the new subject we learned that day might be helpful.

Help us prepare a bit for the labs or review difficult ones so we can understand them.

"I've been able to do most of program #2 but it's been quite difficult and I've had to ask upperclassmen on things. exa: creating empty strings and putting letters in them. We did not study strings in CS 101. I can imagine most students in class will not know how to do this. We also didn't study boolean variables. I think the main issue in class is that we don't seem to have enough time to learn all the new concepts needed for the project.

Also, the pace and difficulty of the labs is definitely too fast. I was only able to complete lab 1 with the extra credit in time because I actually did it the day before at home when watching the scratch video. Otherwise, I wouldn't have completed it because you don't have enough time to think analytically in 40 minutes and do everything the lab requires. 


I think we should cover more java basics during lecture.  Also another suggestion would be to create a java basic handout guide that contains useful basic scripts and codes that we could look over for reference.  I think what we need is to master the operators a bit more in order to further understand the concepts needed to succeed in the course.

I think this course is more challenging than CS 101 and thats largely because we have such a short time for doing labs.Usually labs are not easy to do in 50 minutes.The last lab was impossible to do in 50 minutes.

I'd like if we not only discussed the materials in the reading, but also if we could briefly go over the assigned programs. The class moves at a good pace, but there's not enough time to cover a lot of material. 

i think our class should slow down a little. program is like a way too long for us to write.

I believe the class is going at a good pace. I understand most of the material covered so far in lecture. But the level of difficulty really jumped from CS 101 to CS 102, in my opinion. Labs are very beneficial, but I feel like I am unable to contribute.

"I am honestly a bit torn on this. While I agree that CS 101 did not go about addressing Java programming in a very straightforward way, and I admit there was a bit of a gap of knowledge coming in, based on what we did learn, after reading Chapters 1 and 2 of the text for this book (which is excellent) there is no reason we should be going too far ""back to basics"".  We had enough exposure to nearly all of the topics covered in these first two chapters that the reading, and perhaps one intense and focused ""review"" type of lecture should be sufficient to close any gaps.

I am concerned about the possibility that this course might reach back too far into topics from 101.  After leaving 101, I did wish it had been more dense and I do wish I had learned more.  I believe that we should be fine to continue  Of course, I understand that I have the luxury of only being concerned with my own perspective while the instructor is responsible for all 50-some students. I think that perhaps, the gap from 101 may be blown out of proportion a bit.

For example, modulus was covered in 101 (not too in depth - ie., I didn't see it's usefulness in ""wrap-around"" situations) but certainly anyone who took 101 should have at least known that it would give the remainder (It was an operator that we needed to use in at least one of our project programs)

Based on what I saw from the lectures in 101 (and a handful of conversations with other students) I believe that some of the issue may lie in the fact that some(?) many (?) students copied and pasted the professor's sample code from lecture into their programs rather than write their own from scratch and mess around with it. Because of these it is certainly possible that some students didn't wrestle with enough code on the topics in 101 to have truly grasped them.

As I previously stated, I think the initial chapters of this text provide an excellent review, clear outline, and clear explanation of these topics.  Before we step back to do more review I would really hope that everyone who is requesting the review has actually done the reading. (I mean, really read, not just read to get it done).

In short, I think that perhaps 102, as initially scheduled (re: topics) may be slightly more challenging in the first few weeks, I firmly believe that we had developed enough of a familiarity with the Java language in general (and enough of an immersion of how to think about writing programs and problem solving) that we should be able to fill in any gaps rather quickly without slowing down the schedule.

At the risk of writing too much, a few ideas as an alternative to any major alteration of the course:

1) Prior to labs, perhaps we could be notified of the topics the lab will cover in advance (perhaps posted on Monday mornings). That way, if we don't feel we have the proper background we have the opportunity to (a) look it up in our text and read about it or (b) as questions during lecture;

2)Administer some sort of ""practice exam"". Perhaps the exam given to 101 students to see if they could test out of 101 and into 102.  This might allow us to hone in on the topics we really don't know about (and might not even know we don't know them). And give us a better sense of how much of the class has gaps in their knowledge (most, some, all, a few) and how big that gap is (close it up in a day, a week, etc.)

In closing, I would rather work harder and spend a bit more time in order to cover all of the material this course was originally designed to cover. (If there was a gap from 101, I think it would be easier to deal with it while still covering all of the material in this course rather than leave 102 into yet a higher level course not having had the opportunity to cover all the material initially intended).  I respectfully request that we make every effort to keep moving forward while we try to get everyone on the same page with a solid background."

"During lab, much of the time during the lab is used for understanding the full concept of the assignment and how to go about completing it. I was curious as to why the labs aren't acceptable the same night of the lab or at least an extra hour after your lab is over?