Prog 3: BestBoggle

CS 141, Fall 2012, Prof. Reed

Due 10/19 before class at 12:00 noon


Write a program in C / C++ to create a 4x4 Boggle board.  Running your program will look something like the made-up output shown below: 

Author: Dale Reed Program 3: Best Boggle TA: Felix Baumgartner, Wed 7am Oct 9, 2012

O A A N E T R I I H K R I F L V   3 letter words: 29 (29 points)  4 letter words: 15 (30 points)  5 letter words:  5 (20 points)  6 letter words:  1 (7 points)  Score: 86    Words stored in results.txt

Your program should continue to run, printing out only the boards and scores for any board found that is better than what is found so far.The results.txt file should contain all the words from the best board found so far.

You need to know the following concepts in order to write this program:

Reading words from a dictionary file into an array; Writing from an array of words into a file; Manipulating C-style strings (arrays of char); functions.
