Lab 7: Search in string

In this lab, we want you to write a program using C string functions

All function examples can be found in the following two pages: and

Especially pay attention to these following functions:

fgetc, fgets, strlen, strchr, strstr, strcpy, strncpy, strcmp

Author:      Hong Wang

Lab:         Thursday 2pm

Program:     Search in string

Please enter a lower-case string (max length = 80):

>all generalizations are all false

Length of your input is: 33

Please enter a character that you want to find in the input string:


Character [z] is found.

Please enter a word that you want to find in the input string:


Word [all] is found.

Word [all] is the first word [all] in the input string.


Please enter a lower-case string (max length = 80):

>all generalizations are all false

Length of your input is: 33


Please enter a character that you want to find in the input string:


Character [z] is found.

Please enter a word that you want to find in the input string:


Word [all] is found.


Word [all] is the first word [all] in the input string.


inputStirng[strlen(inputStirng) - 1] = '\0';

Reference links:

while (getchar() != '\n'); 

Reference link:
