Prog 2: Decrypt


Encryption is used to securely transmit information, be it credit card banking information or your passwords.  In this program we will explore a simple approach to encryption / decryption called the  Caesar Cipher.  The Notes below describe the various stages of development for this program and what running the program should look like at each stage.


The 55 points for correct execution of your program (see syllabus!) are broken down as shown below.  In creating your program you may not use material that we have not yet covered in class (such as additional user-created methods or arrays.)  Failing to follow this requirement will result in a 15 point deduction.

Turning it In

Turn in your program using Blackboard before 11:59 pm (just before midnight) on the deadline given on the course schedule.  I highly recommend you review the grading criteria given in the syllabus before you turn in your program.  Note that you can turn in your program multiple times, but only the last submission will be graded.