Lab 8: Arrays of Structs

In this lab you will be altering the following bit of code to use arrays of structs:



Arrays of Structs

You'll note that the code below does not actually use arrays of structs.  You will be correcting this deficiency.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


Arrays of Structs

You'll note that the code below does not actually use arrays of structs.  You will be correcting this deficiency.


/*struct Person


   Stuff goes here! */



//Takes in a given name, gender, and age and adds them to the three given arrays.

int readInValues(char nameArr[][15], char genderArr[], int ageArr[], int pCount)



  if(pCount > 3)


    printf("School is full.  Try next year.");

    return -1;



  printf("Please enter a name: ");

  scanf(" %14s", &nameArr[pCount][0]);  //If you are wondering, the 14 is a maximum width specifier.


  printf("\nPlease enter a gender(M or F): ");

  scanf(" %c", &genderArr[pCount]);


  printf("\nPlease enter an age: ");

  scanf(" %d", &ageArr[pCount]);


  return 0;



//Displays all stored values

void displayValues(int numStudents, char nameArr[][15], char genderArr[], int ageArr[])


   int i;

   printf("\n Current Students:");

   for(i = 0; i < numStudents; ++i)


      printf("\n%d . Name: %s, Gender: %c, Age: %d", i,  nameArr[i], genderArr[i], ageArr[i]);  



int main()


  //Parallel arrays.  If only we knew how to use an array of structs instead.

  char firstName[4][15];

  char gender[4];

  int age[4];

  char quit = '_';


  int i = 0;

  while(i < 4 && quit != 'Q')


     readInValues(firstName, gender, age, i);



     displayValues(i, firstName, gender, age);

     printf("\n press 'Q' to quit, or any other letter to input another student.");

     scanf(" %c", &quit);


    return 0;


