Lab 12: More Recursion


LAB 12:  Recursion Again

In this lab you will expand upon the code listed below to create a program that uses recursion to count how many characters are between each pair of (),

not counting characters that are within other ()s. For example:


Would result in the following output (only not bold):

Level 3: 3

Level 2: 4

Level 3: 0

Level 2: 2

Level 1: 3

Another example would be this:


Level 3: 1

Level 2: 2

Level 1: 3

"Level" Refers to the level of () nesting - 3 means the characters are within a pair within a pair within a pair.

You may assume all input will only have a single level 1 pair, and that all other pairs will be within that pair (I.E, all input will start with '(' and end with

the ')' that forms a pair with the start of the input).

SPECIAL NOTICE!: For this lab, you must have the 'TA' grade your program as a '2' before you can attempt for a '3' - don't try to get a '3' before already receiving

a '2' from your TA. Of course, your TA will then change your grade to a '3' if you complete it in time.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#define MAX_INPUT_LENGTH 100

int recursiveParaCheck(char input[], int doesNotMatterWhatVarNameIsButItIsStandardToMatchFunction, int level);

void main()


    char input[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];


    char notDone = 'Y';   



        //Read in input

        printf("Please enter input: ");

        scanf(" %s", input);


        //Call Recursive Function to print out desired information

        recursiveParaCheck(input, 1, 1);  // I assume that position 0 contains a '(', as is noted in the program definition.


        printf("\n Would you like to try again? Y/N: ");

        scanf(" %c", &notDone);

        notDone = toupper(notDone);

    }while(notDone == 'Y');


int recursiveParaCheck(char input[], int startPos, int level)


    int pos = startPos;

    int total = 0;



        if(input[pos] != '(' && input[pos] != ')')





        //What is the base case? (The point at which you stop making recursive calls and start resolving them.((x)))

        /*if(BASE CASE)


          //Do stuff!



        //When do you need to make a recursive call?



          //Do stuff!




        //HINT: the above two IF statements should be the ONLY THINGS you need to add to this program to make it work (for 2 points, anyway)




    }while(input[pos] != '\0'); // until the end of the input string




1 Point: Have the correct conditions for the two IF statements (both base case and situation where you need to make recursive call)

2 Points: Have a working program that prints out the needed information as noted above.

3 Points(Extra Credit): Alter the program so that it prints out the levels in top-down order.

    So instead of

    Level 3: 3

    Level 2: 4

    Level 3: 0

    Level 2: 2

    Level 1: 3

    The program would print:

    Level 1: 3

    Level 2: 4

    Level 2: 2

    Level 3: 3

    Level 3: 0

    You may assume there will never be more than 3 levels of ()s.

    Hint: You will somehow need to store each [level: Value] pair/string, and then sort them after all of them have been stored (or store them in such a way that later sorting is unneeded).

*/ //You can copy-paste everything before this into your editor of choice.

