Lab 2: Command Line

For lab this week we'll be learning to utilize the command line, as illustrated briefly in class.  Command line tools are available on all versions of the UNIX operating system (e.g Linux and Mac.)  

For help on UNIX commands see:

Create a single text file containing the command used to do each of the Steps shown below. To begin editing a file, from the command line type in:    pico labAnswers.txt   

For instance your text file labAnswers.txt will look something like the following, however with different content on each line:

You should have two windows open, one for editing your text file, and a second for experimenting with the UNIX commands.


Submit your Solution

Submit only your textfile into Blackboard.  If Blackboard is down then only one of you or your partner should email your textfile labAnswers.txt to your TA, where the title of the email is: 141 lab n solution  where n is the time of day your lab starts.  For instance if you are in the 2:00 lab, the title would be:  141 lab 2:00 solution


Note that for labs a grade of 2 is considered normal.  Labs are designed so that few, if any, will get a grade of 3.  If you get a grade of 2 on all of your labs, then you are on track to get an 'A' in this class.