Lab 7

Lab assignment: Calculators Forever Performing a dictionary lookup

For this week's lab you'll be getting some hands on experience with C strings (char * and char[]), C library functions for operating on and with C strings, and also file input, specifically reading lines from a file into an array of C strings.  These are all skills that will prove useful if not necessary for for the project.  Note that you may use the C++ form of file/user input, though you should know both types.

You are given the file silly.txt (a silly listing of words much smaller than the dictionary), which you should put in the same folder as the program you are trying to run.  Read the characters into an array of char[]'s, a char[][].  Each element of the array should be a char[], an array of characters containing one line from the file.

Once you've generated this array, loop while reading user input.  Each user input should be a single string.  Given this string, you should check whether this string was in the file.  Print "Valid word" if it was in the file, "Invalid word" if it was not.

For extra credit, and to help you get one step closer to your project, instead of checking whether the word they entered was in the file, check if it is the prefix of any words in the file.  If it is not, print "Invalid prefix", otherwise print all the words that start with the prefix.  For example, if they type in the word swab, you should print swab and swabbed, as both are words in the dictionary which begin with swab.

The execution of the finished program should look like what is shown below. Output the name of the file you're reading from (silly.txt) if it successfully opened, otherwise print could not open file.  (User input is shown in bold, though in your program it will not be bold.)

For one point:

File silly.txt is open and ready for checking.

Word 0.         A

Word 1000.      arousal

Word 2000.      bombardment

Word 3000.      chest

Word 4000.      cool

Word 5000.      detox

Word 6000.      elfin

Word 7000.      field-hockey

Word 8000.      gibberish

Word 9000.      high-jump

Word 10000.     informally

Word 11000.     lecherous

Word 12000.     metaphysical

Word 13000.     notion

Word 14000.     peerless

Word 15000.     principally

Word 16000.     relegate

Word 17000.     screen

Word 18000.     soaring

Word 19000.     sunken

Word 20000.     transcend

Word 21000.     vigor

For two points:  

File silly.txt is open and ready for checking.

Which word would you like to look up (exit to exit)?  abate

abate is a valid word

Which word would you like to look up (exit to exit)?  Boromir

Boromir is not a valid word

And for extra credit:

File silly.txt is open and ready for checking.

Which word would you like to look up (exit to exit)?  blot

The following words begin with blot





Which word would you like to look up (exit to exit)?  belei

No words in the dictionary begin with belei

You may use any of the C libraries for file input and C string operations, we will not be covering all of them however.  Wherever possible, you should use the builtin and library C functions instead of looping through the characters yourself.  If you wish to use C++ operations for reading in from a file, and input and output (the << and >> operators), that is fine, but be sure you're using char[]'s and not C++ strings.



1. You should work with a partner for this (and all the remaining) lab(s).  Only one of you need to submit the program to Blackboard, though you should be certain that both of your names be present in a comment at the top of the .c or .cpp source file.

2. You should turn in to Blackboard by the END OF THE LAB (8:50 for the 8-9 lab session, 9:50 for the 9-10 lab session).  I know it's tempting to keep working on it, but other classes come in, and it's not fair to the students who are limited to that particular time span if you go over.  Which isn't to say that you can't work on it later, to check your solution against the one I post for your own understanding.  But what you submit for a grade should be before the next hour begins.

3. If you wish, you may submit your lab by 11 am on Thursday for a 1 point penalty.  If you can't finish up the second point by the end of lab, you can still earn the score by completing all three steps and submitting your code by the day after.