Lab 5

At the bottom is a .cpp file containing some non-functional Tic-Tac-Toe code.  In the process of refactoring it, the functionality was broken.  It's your job to go through and fix all the problems with it.  Also attached at the bottom is the beginnings of a bug report.  As you make fixes, add the bugs to the bug report, so that others can review the changes you made, and you can justify the decisions you came to.

The format for the bug report is as follows:

1. LineNumber:  Original Line

                        Replacement Line

                        Sentence describing error and fix, related numbers

You must specify the line number in the original document of which line(s) you changed, the line(s) you replaced it with, and provide a description of why you changed it.  Whether or not it's an obvious change, be descriptive with why you changed it.  If you are applying this fix due to something you changed elsewhere, provide the numbers of those fixes so the reader can cross-reference your changes.

An example is given in the text document, and ask if you need further clarification.

Once again, it is highly recommended that you work with a partner, as the errors can be tricky, but be sure you understand why things are wrong, and why the change fixes them.  You will be asked to submit your files at the 50 minute mark, so be sure you're keeping both files up to date as you go, so you can submit at that time.  Everyone will need to leave the lab by 55 after, so be sure you turn in on time.  If you can't turn in by the end of lab, you can turn in by noon on Friday at a 1 point penalty, and I'll expect a good job.

Submit both the fixed .cpp file, and the text file with names at the top in the right format to Blackboard.  If you don't submit the text file in the specified format, you will receive no credit for this lab.