Prog 4: LineWord

Prof. Reed, CS 102, Fall 2011

Due at 11:59pm on the date indicated in the Course Schedule

You may work with a partner on this project. 

This is a word-guessing game called LineWord.  The objective of the game is to find the most valid dictionary words possible within three minutes.  When the game is started up it looks like the image shown below.  In this particular image the user has already selected 3 letters for the word MAR:

Only the graphical representation is used, however input can be given either using the mouse or using the keyboard.  The display consists of a 5 x 5 display of letters.  At the beginning of the game only the top row of letters is enabled for use.  User input is given in the console by typing in words.  After clicking on or typing in the first word ("mar") within the time limit the game would look like:

Play progresses, where the number of points as well as the number of rows displayed depends on the number of correct words the user finds.  Take a look at the following video that shows this process in action:

You need to know the following concepts in order to write this program:
