/** --------------------------------------------- * * * Decrypt or encrypt a secret message using a * transposition cipher (1..25). Values wrap around * at the end of the alphabet. A transposition * of 1 changes "abcz" into "bcda", and a transposition * value of 2 changes "abcz" into "cdeb". The input * might also need to be reversed to be decoded. A * potential solution is identified by having a large * number of common English words, taken from: * * Encryption selects a transpostion value at random * as well as choosing a direction (forward or reverse) * at random. * * Lab: Sean Deitz, Wed 5 AM * System: Java 6, using Eclipse, on Windows 7 * Class: CS 102, Spring 2012 * * @version January 19, 2012 * @author Dale Reed */ import java.util.Scanner; // for user input public class Decrypt { // declare Scanner for user input Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Don't write code in main, rather chain off to another // method to avoid static errors. This will make more // sense later in the semester. public static void main(String[] args) { Decrypt instance = new Decrypt(); instance.doIt(); }//end main() // Write your code in the method below void doIt() { // display identifying information System.out.println("Author: Dale Reed "); System.out.println("TA: Sean Deitz, Wed 5am "); System.out.println("Program: #2, Decrypt \n"); // Prompt for and read in input System.out.print("Enter input string: "); String inputLine = keyboard.nextLine(); // write your code here... System.out.println("Done with program."); }//end doIt() }//end class Decrypt