Lab 14

Lab 14:

In this lab, we will have additional practise on linkedlist by

solving some common problems on linkedlist.

Download the starter code and follow the instructions to complete this lab



1. Complete the function displayListLength - 1 point

Here we will find the length of a given LinkedList

- Traverse the linkedllist from the beginning. 

- Count how many nodes are there on the list

- Display the length of the list

2. Complete the function displayMiddleNode - 1 point

Given a list of even length (e.g. 2,4,6,8,etc) display the middle node.

For a list of length 4 it would be node 2 (the 2nd node).  For a list of length

6 it would be node 3 (the 3rd node).  While there are different ways to do this,

one approach is to have 2 pointers going through the list.  The "fast" pointer

advances by 2 nodes on each step, and the "slow" pointer advances by only 1 node

on each step.  When the "fast" one reaches the end, the "slow" one is at the node

we want.

3. Complete the function displayNthNodeFromEnd - 1 point

Display the nth from the end node for a list of length n or greater.

E.g for the following list of length 7:  [ 4, 9, 2, 5, 9, 1, 3] the 3rd

from the end would be 9, and the 4th from the end would be 5.

- Prompt the user for the value of n

- Display the nth node from the end