Lab 11


In the attached are iterative and a couple of recursive methods that draw the following figures:

The figure below is drawn with an iterative method (draw1), but there's also a recursive method (recursiceDraw1) in that draws the same figure.



The following figure is drawn with an iterative method (draw2).  TASK 1 is to write recursiveDraw2 (use recursiceDraw1 as a guide).

The following figure is drawn with an iterative method (draw3).  TASK 2 is to write recursiveDraw3 (use recursiceDraw1 as a guide).

The following figure is drawn with a recursive method (recursiveDraw4):

TASK 3 is to modify recursiveDraw4 to create the following figure:

Your final output will be as follows:


Modify and submit the attached file.  In it are the 3 methods to create or modify, labeled TASK 1, TASK 2, and TASK 3, each worth 1 point.

Due: 11/3 at 11:00 AM.