Lab 1: Scratch

In this lab you will create a Scratch marble racer program, submitting it to the online Scratch gallery where you will have to create an account. Note that you will receive a score of 0 if you do not submit your project into the Scratch gallery for the course. More details are given below.


Explanation of Lab Assignments and Grading

Lab assignments are always done with a partner and are generally turned in via Blackboard.  The general criteria for grading labs are:

Blackboard and quizzes.

The TA will demonstrate how to take a quiz on Blackboard. There will be a quiz at the beginning of every lab. The quiz is password-protected, so you must be there in person to take the quiz once the TA reveals the password. Quizzes will be exactly 5 minutes long, beginning at the official lab start time and ending exactly 5 minutes later, so if you are 2 minutes late you only get 3 minutes, and if you are 5 minutes late you can't take it at all.  Usually, each quiz will contain 3-4 questions. The quiz questions will be created from the assigned reading material prior to the lab session. For instance the quiz given during week 2 will have questions taken from the reading assigned for week 1.

Creating Marble Racer

Submitting your Project


The points for this lab will be assigned as follows:

Stage 0: The green background is drawn, a ball sprite is created along with some ball movement script.

Stage 1: The ball movement can move controlled by all 4 arrows.

Stage 2: The ball also stops or slows down when it touches the green area.  If it stops when it hits the green area you can start it up again.

Stage 3 (Extra credit): Create another ball with a different set of controls (e.g., w for UP, s for DOWN, a for LEFT, d for RIGHT). The second ball should stop or slow down when it touches the green area.  This allows two people to race at the same time.