Lab, TA, Tutoring


Follow the links under the "Lab,TA, Tutoring" topic at left to see a description of each lab activity.  Remember to check the schedule for the background reading for your quiz each week. 

Lab Location

Lab meetings will be held in the CS Lab lounge at SEL 2254 (see map). Please be sensitive to asking your TA for help if you see her/him in the lab when it is not during office hours for them unless you have setup an appointment with them ahead of time. Office hours will be held in the locations shown in the table below.

See this CS support page to search for your CS Dept userid, which you will likely need for your first lab.

Chenwei Zhang      


(remove spaces)

 Office Phone

Office Hours


4030 SEL

4030 SEL

4030 SEL

SEO 917

Labs Prepared,


Zyante Grades posting

Prep Labs: 3, 7,  11, 14

In class journals on Mon

Grade programs: 3, 6

Run Labs at: 8am, 9am (Temporarily)


Itika Gupta                 

Vignesh              Ganapathiraman

Prof. Reed         

czhang99 @

igupta5 @

 vganap2 @

 reed @

Weekly Grades posting

Prep Labs: 2, 5, 9, 13,

In class journals on Wed

Grade programs: 2, 5

Run Labs at: 10am, 11am (Temporarily)

CodeLab Grades posting

Prep Labs: 1, 4, 8, 12, 

In class journals on Fri

Grade programs: 1, 4

Run Labs at: 12pm, 1pm (Temporarily)

(312) 413-9478

Clickers grades posting

In-class portion of exams

Undergraduate TAs:

Undergraduate TAs are students who have taken this course and have insight and help to offer you. They will be available to help during lab sessions, will help with some aspects of grading, will help monitor Piazza discussions, and will help give tutoring.

They will not hold office hours every week, but will hold office hours in the days preceding an assignment being due, which is historically when there has been the most demand.  These tentative office hours for them are shown below, and will be posted in Piazza in the days preceding an assignment being due.  These special office hours will be held in the middle conference room (of the 3 small conference rooms) in the CS lab, SEL 2260.

Bob Hayhurst:

M W F 10am

 Omaid Khan

Oliver San Juan

W F, time TBA

 Asta Saidak

 Jackie Tapia


Class times, Lab times and Office hours are shown below.  

TA office hours will be in SEL 4030.  SEL has two main large sections, the West (smaller) section, and the East (larger) section, that includes the CS labs.

The SEL 4030 is in the West (smaller) section, on the North side.  Take the elevator/stairs up and turn right in the corridor and right again at the end.  Room is the first one around the corner.

Undergraduate TA office hours will be in the CS Lounge, in the middle conference room over against the wall.


Thanks to many previous TAs for helping develop lab content: 

Sean Deitz, Brent Grossman, Guan Wang, Habiba, Fadi Al-Masalha, Feihong Hsu, Mark Thompson, Wenxuan Gao, Scott Price, Rigel Gjomemo, Shaojie Zhang, Ulas Keles, Marco Maggioni, Tomas Gerlich, Marco Bernasconi, Shuyang Lin, Anruo Wang, Hong Wang, Kyle Berry, Subramanian Arumugam, Nianzu Ma, Chihua Ma, Vignesh Ganapathiraman