Prog 6: Undo Scramble

Add the ability to "undo" a move to your solution to program #5, Scramble.  Moves should be numbered, with the human always going first.  Entering 'u' to undo moves should allow the human player to redo their previous move.  Entering 'u' to undo should give an error message if it is the first move.  

To implement the undo feature you should store a "snapshot" of the game just before each human's move.  This "snapshot" should include the board, score, move number, current tiles for human player, current tiles for computer, and tiles remaining.  You should create a struct with all these elements and store them all on a linked list (a LIFO stack).

The 55 points for execution will be awarded for the following:

(10 points extra credit) The board is implemented using a linked structure that wraps around at the sides and top.

As usual, turn this in using Blackboard.