
Grades are listed by code number. Your code number is calculated from your UIN, which should be the blue numbers found on your University ID card. To calculate your code number, add the next-to-last 3 digits (as a number) to the last 3 digits to (also as a number) as well as the last digit. In other words, if your UIN number is

    123 456 789

then the next-to-last 3 digits are 456, and the last 3 digits are 789, and the last digit is 9, and adding these together gives 456 + 789 + 9 = 1254 which would be the code number. In cases where the code number also includes a letter, that letter is the first letter of your last name.

If you have a question about a particular grade, please first contact the person who graded it.  This information is available on the Lab, TA, Tutoring page.

See the Grades History page for current grades