Lab 11: Recursion

In this lab, we will write a program that uses recursion.

The execution of the finished program should look what is shown below (user input is shown in bold).

Please input the length of array:


Please input 5 integer numbers:

-23 0 45 456 -2

Examples ===============================

The array you input is:

-23 0 45 456 -2

Min value is: -23

Part 1 =================================

The sum of array is: 476

Max value is: 456

Part 2 =================================

Min value [-23]'s index is: 0

Max value [456]'s index is: 3

Extra Credit ===========================

The sorted array is:

-23 -2 0 45 456

The skeleton code is provided here: Lab11.cpp along with two examples, you need to implement the rest functions. 

DO NOT change any code within 'main' function. 

All functions must be implemented using recursion!