Lab 11 Preview

For lab this week we'll be jumping right in to using C/C++.

Familiarize yourself with the following before class:

variables - declaring, initializing, and assigning integer and character variables

integer arithmetic - +,-,*,/

input - integer and single character

decision statements - if or switch, take your pick

loops - for or while, take your pick

function calls - similar to java, multiple parameter, single return type

Also, if you can, take some time to get used to the computing environment before class.  If you'd like to use an IDE, such as Eclipse, you may wish to try out XCode, which is the default editing environment for Macs.

I personally just use a text editor (TextEdit), and the command line, as Professor Reed demonstrated in class.

There will be no prototype code this time, so be ready to write your whole file yourself.

If Sean is late for lab, call (630) 423-6094.