Lab 5 Preview

This week we'd like you to become more comfortable with method calls and parameters.

To aid you in this endeavor, we will be returning to an application you should be familiar with: encoding and decoding.

Think about how you would complete Program 2 if you were given function calls.

Specifically, recall how you performed the encoding, as you will need to implement that feature again.

As an aid, examine his posted solution to Program 2, and consider as you read through it how you might improve on it, or what else you could add.  In particular, how the code could be a lot cleaner using method calls.

Also, review from the chapter and notes how to declare methods, and how to use them.  You are expected to understand what parameters and arguments are, and how they work.

If you can't figure out what the sample code attached to this page does, ask your peers or your TAs how it works, because you should be able to comprehend code at this level at this point.

The questions this week will be coming from section 4.4 in the book, but don't forget what we've covered in previous chapters.