Lab 4: Tic-Tac-Toe, this time with Functions!

In this week's lab you will once again write a C program to display a Tic-Tac-Toe board and allow making moves.  This time, however, you will be using functions! It is okay to use your lab 3 as a starting point.

The execution of the finished program should look like what is shown below.  (User input is shown in bold, though in your program it will not be bold.)

Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe.


Board is:

  . . .   1 2 3

  . . .   4 5 6

  . . .   7 8 9

Please enter the destination and character to be placed: 5X


Board is:

  . . .   1 2 3

  . X .   4 5 6

  . . .   7 8 9

Please enter the destination and character to be placed: 5X

