Lab 14

Linked structures

Check out the lab using this form

Scenario: In today's lab we will look at how to write the code to reverse a list.

We have provided lots of examples of code in this program called LinkedListEverythingInClass2.cpp.

In lab14_question.cpp, the original program would give the following output.

$ ./lab14

Linked list sample program, Inserting in order. 

Enter as many integers > 0 as you would like, followed by -1:  2 9 3 -1

Linked list sample program, Inserting in order. 

Enter as many integers > 0 as you would like, followed by -1:  8 3 5 -1

List contains: 9 3 2 8 5 3 

List contains: 9 8 5 3 3 2 

Ending Linked List program.  Exiting ...

The task for today's lab 


1. Modify the function insertNodeInOrder so that the function order numbers in an ascending order.

    The modified program would give the following output.

$ ./lab14

Linked list sample program, Inserting in order. 

Enter as many integers > 0 as you would like, followed by -1:  2 9 3 -1

Linked list sample program, Inserting in order. 

Enter as many integers > 0 as you would like, followed by -1:  8 3 5 -1

List contains: 2 3 9 3 5 8 

List contains: 2 3 3 5 8 9 

Ending Linked List program.  Exiting ...

2&3. Implement a function called void reverseList( Node *&pHead) to reverse a list. Once the program is done, pHead should point to the node that used to be the last list Node in the linked list.