Lab 4 pre-lab

For lab this week we'll be introducing the use of functions.  You should have prior experience with functions from your pre-requisites, but review chapter 3 if you don't recall.  We'll only be using pass by value, and the usual return methods, so using functions the same way you would in Java.

Make sure you've been keeping up on Piazza, with MyProgrammingLab, and with the solutions to the assignments and quizzes that have been posted thus far.

In particular, it might benefit you to understand the calculator from last week, and Newton's method, among other common computation-heavy applications.  It is expected that you have a solid grasp of topics already covered, so composing looping and branching statements should not be outside your grasp.  Understanding the transition between English description of an algorithm and code to actually perform the calculation is a skill that is wise to develop early on.  

The quiz will be mostly on chapter 3, but again, topics or combinations of topics from earlier chapters will be fair game.  No chapter 4 this week on the quiz, but try to catch up with the scheduled readings as we might have to accelerate a bit going forward.