Lab 7 preview

To help you become more comfortable with classes, we'll be giving you a couple of classes this week to utilize in generating a graphical display.

Normally making good looking displays is tricky in Java, but these classes should help you to at least have some experience working with a functional display, if you haven't already from CS 101.

Attached in a zip are the Square class and Board class, the powerful yet confusing Canvas class, and which runs the former in an applet, creating a copy of each, then moves a square across the field.

Your job this week is to modify the Square class such that it changes color and size, and modify the runner to make the square move around the screen in a pattern.

Get comfortable with both the Square class and the Board class, or at least a general idea of how they work.  They do a lot, but spend some time with them and it should start to become clear.

These classes do provide a lot to take in, but understand what you can, and ask questions about the rest.  It's not expected that you understand the awt library, but understanding it will be useful for the coming assignments.