
Sun. 02 Jun 2024

Run No. - 2366

Hare - Britarse

Run Time - 4:00PM

Location - Tung Chung Fort, Tung Chung, Lantau

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos

Maps - Start Point - https://maps.app.goo.gl/RuJ8MWefRnk38931A

Parking close by - outside Britarse's house (10M, Shing Ling Pei village) as before: https://maps.app.goo.gl/GBjtnG3XkxqXV6oB6

Taxi - 東涌炮臺 

Nr. MTR - Tung Chung MTR

21 mins walking route - https://goo.gl/maps/11d4uM8RiQ3RVxvH8

Buses - 3M or 11 NLB from Tung Chung Town Centre

Hare Notes:

I thought it was next Sunday.  Okay,  no problem,  I can handle this Sunday.  4pm start, Tung Chung fort. Those driving, park in the parking area near my place (10M Sheung Ling Pei). Others,  buses from MTR.

Webshite Notes:

Fingers & Toes crossed that it is not another 10km+ run for the 3rd week in a row 😁

Hello Happy Hong Kong

Upcoming Other Events & Action Reminders:

Sat 23rd Jun - FMH3 #35 - Strawberry Moon - TaiPo or TaiWo MTR - LSG (Joint N2TH3 Sat run?)

Sat 29th to Sun 30th Jun 2024  -  SKH3 AGM weekend on Cheung Chau Island.

Fri 15th to Sun 17th Nov 2024 - All China Nash Hash 2024 in Hong Kong - Earlybird price up until the end of this month - be warned.

Link: Homepage - All China Nash Hash 2024

SKH3 - AGM Beer Tits - 29-30Jun2024.pdf