
Hare - DRam

Sun. 18 Sep 2022

Run No. 2275

Hare - DRam

Run Time - 4:00PM

Location - Small shelter at end of road, up behind the Leafy Glade, Lam Tsuen

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos

Maps - Start Point - https://goo.gl/maps/jov1zpobp8dTyVdLA

Parking close by or where you can near Leafy.

Taxi - 塘面村公廁 ...ish

Nr. MTR - Tai Wo

Bus - 64k bus towards Yuen Long, alight at San Tsuen bus stop outside Leafy Glade


Shelter to meet at and shelter under.

Hares Note:

Run start on Sunday 18 Sept. above.

Hopefully my jottings can be map into a coherent run notice ? Bus 64K from Tai Po /Tai Wo mtr stations or from Yuen Long /Kam Sheung Road mtr stations. GMB 25K from Tai Wo mtr station. 500m from bus stops to Start. Limited roadside parking. If Libs kind enough to get beer and ice he can unload van within 50m of Start.

I'll mark route from bus stop to start. If travelling by taxi ask for Lam Tsuen, Kwan Yick store.

Bring water, very hot.

Webshite Says:

Hats off to our favourite Scotsman for stepping in for Sweet n Sour who stepped out. Scrivens!

For your viewing pleasure:  Low Road?

What's that doing there?

Finally, in memoriam of good old Queen Lizzy...