




Sun. 14 Aug 2022


Please ensure that your name is down for the big one!

Hare - BJ & Anne Other

Run No. - 2270

Run Time - TBC

Meet Time - An early 10:00am

Location - Sai Kung Public Pier

Note, get yourself down there 30 minutes early to ensure that you don't miss the boat!

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos?

Maps - Start Point - https://goo.gl/maps/S36RQq1ak1nDLHev5

Car Parking - https://goo.gl/maps/D8U1P8S4awRveCjz9

If you must drive but remember the day is a long boozy affair.

Taxi - 西貢公眾碼頭

MTR & Bus -

3x Options:- Take a minibus to Sai Kung from Hang Hau MTR Station (minibus 101M), Mong Kok MTR Station (red minibus – it will say Sai Kung on the front), or Choi Hung MTR Station (minibus 1A or bus 92). The endpoint for all buses is the Sai Kung bus terminus right by the seafront near the pier.

BJ the GM Notes:

For more details please text me the GM, on 91763077. Unfortunately most places are already taken but there maybe some last minute spare places?

Ask BJ to join the Whatsapp group to understand the food/booze details for the day.

Webshite Says:

Shiver me timbers, button down the hatches, these junk hashes tend to get really messy.

Party On On 

For your viewing pleasure:  Naughty Cool